Monday, March 19, 2007

Mawgan Porth

Mawgan Porth is just a few miles along the coast east of Watergate Bay. Not overly wide, it is however quite deep when the water is out, and it has plenty of facilities for holidaymakers close by. Today, the 400 metres or so to the water's edge is maybe the hardest walk I can remember doing, the relentless gale force winds make it almost impossible to keep my feet and the driving sleet, rain and hail against my exposed face sting painfully. Even the gulls swirl madly about overhead, struggling to keep station against the violent gusts. At low tide, the cove opens out to some lovely sandy bits on the left, strewn with lumps of large rock, if you can wade across the shallow stream that ends here...

1 comment:

bethan said...

excellent post and excellent blog,shall keep on checking out your work
