Monday, May 7, 2007


This is a minor member of the lovely cluster of Roseland beaches. A small beach just by the even smaller drying harbour, but from here you can look right across the blue of Gerrans Bay and Gull Rock in the distance with Dodman Point beyond it. In a sailboat, these are familiar landamarks on the way from Falmouth to Fowey, a popular local run. The rains have disapeared for the moment, the sea laps gently as the tide comes in and the sun arms your back as you sit on the rocks looking eastward along the coast. Out of the picture, Porthcurnick beach is so nearby on the left you could can walk across to it over the rocks, and Carne just pokes out from the further rocks, with Pendower hidden to its left. Strange that I should find the one momentary bright lull in an otherwise gray day...

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