Sunday, February 25, 2007


Today there are gale force winds coming in off the north coast, and the rain clouds come and go in a hurry. One minute the sky is black and aqually; ten minutes later we have blue skies and bright sunshine.Carne is in the Roseland peninsula on the south coast, right next to Pendower. When the tide is out they are really just one long beach, but the roads to either one seems to go a completely different way through the Roseland... Anyway, these two beaches are really lovely - they feel secluded, private without being claustrophobic. there are just a few houses clustered nearby, with a hotel discreetly above each beach. Locals come and launch all sorts of small craft off the beach here at Carne - canoes today. On a cold clear Christmas, you might see family barbecues and people riding horses through the surf.

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